Личный кабинет



Taping is a safe and effective technique that, if applied correctly, will give you a lifting effect, smooth mimic wrinkles, eliminate puffiness, and improve skin condition. The undeniable advantage of teips is that they work while you are busy with your own business :) You will cope with problem areas and instill the habit of regular self-care.


  • The most effective taping techniques for the correction of mimic wrinkles (eyebrow, horizontal creases on the forehead, nasolabial fold and others);
  • Taping techniques for a lifting effect and firmness of the face oval;
  • Taping techniques to relieve puffiness (bags under the eyes, sufas, general puffiness of the face, double chin, and others).

What you need to have for the practice  mirror, tapes (coil 5 cm wide, classic, smooth, not perforated), we recommend purchasing K-active Elite kinesio tapes, scissors,scrap container.

The workshop is held in по Skype/Viber/Zoom

The program is built according to the features of your face. The trainer will diagnose and select applications, taking into account all the features of your face. He will pay maximum attention to your problem areas, correct inaccuracies and show you how to get the brightest results.

Choose a schedule that suits you.

Duration: 3 lessons of 60 minutes, tete-a-tete with a coach

Cost: 115$

Time of private sessions is negotiable 

Email: jbfaceschool@gmail.com
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 09:00-19:00
Sat 10:00-14:00
Kyiv Time (GMT+2)